Wellness Center

Wellness Center Tree
The Wellness Center in Room 217 is a safe space on campus for our students to sit and relax when they need to, learn and work alongside community partners in classes, groups, and workshops, or talk to school counselors, psychologists, and other onsite mentors to navigate the challenges and obstacles they are facing in their school or personal lives. We want to be a place where students feel seen and comfortable and foster an environment of safety and growth. We work through a preventative approach to all areas of health and wellness by integrating our school resources with community integration and partnerships.
Through our vision to create a collective and collaborative space for all of these entities to come together and coexist to foster an environment of student success and security, we have created an on-campus wellness center that is available during school hours -- where students and staff have access to free resources and referrals, as well as a support system for students, staff and our community at large.
Wellness Room
Wellness Center Office
Table, chairs, and bookshelves
Wellness Center

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How to Access the Wellness Center and Resources on Campus
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Students always need the teacher's permission to come to the Wellness Center (Room 217) during class. Teachers and counselors all have Wellness Center passes available to give to students. Timing is at the teacher's discretion but we like to limit visits to 15-20 minutes. Students are also welcome to come to the Wellness Center during a free period, during brunch, or during lunch. Students who do not have a free period will need a Wellness Center pass to access the Wellness Center during class. We are open from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday. We will periodically host after-school events and workshops for students, parents, and staff. 

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Objectives of the Wellness Center
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  • Safe space for students to regulate either on their own or with guidance/support
  • A comfortable place for students to relate to Wellness Center staff and each other
  • Operate with staff support: The goal is to limit missed instruction time and clear communication in the best interest of instruction and student well-being
  • Provide resources to the community and other supports, in a compassionate and respectful manner
  • Support site staff for student mental health and well-being queries, social-emotional learning opportunities, and general school-community well being 
The Wellness Center is not a hang-out spot for someone who “doesn’t want to go to class,” but can be a helpful resource to support a student’s readiness to learn. 
The goal is always to support regulation and return to class as efficiently as possible. 

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Wellness Center Staff On-Site Support and Services
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TRIO: Federal TRIO programs are grant-funded outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Educational Talent Search (ETS) and Upward Bound are two programs available for students to join at Shasta High School. Both provide resources such as academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, resume building, scholarship/ college application help, college tour trips, summer camps, and other support necessary for educational access and retention. The best part is everything is FREE and you can join anytime from your freshman to senior year! We are excited to be on campus this year, and look forward to answering any questions you may have about our programs!

Contact Chelsey Baxter or Jaykob Caples for more information.

Chelsey Baxter, Outreach Advisor, Educational Talent Search--Shasta County
UC Davis School of Education 
Personal: 406-240-9347 
Student Contact: 530-638-4020
Click the links below to access:
Jaykob Caples
Simpson University
Upward Bound Project Advisor - WVECHS
(530) 347-7171 Ext 300043
Elevate Youth Solutions: Young people are entering adulthood lacking core life-skills competencies in critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and self-regulation; all of which are critical to their personal growth and resiliency against high-risk behaviors and hopelessness. Through Elevate life-coaching intervention program we establish strong mentor-coaching relationships; leading students to personal ownership of their choices and actions. We build strong peer communities; contributing to healthy socialization. We provide access to skills growth in relationships, goal accomplishment, and personal development. 

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Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Activities
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  • Therapy Dogs in the Wellness Center during finals week! December 19th through December 21st

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Local Mental Health and Wellness Resources and Hotlines
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* If someone is in immediate danger, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. *  

  • Text keyword SHASTA to 844-823-5323 for 24/7 free anonymous & counseling.
  • Call 2-1-1 a confidential telephone helpline and website that connects people with local resources they need. 
  • Call 9-8-8 a new number for the National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline
  • Call One Safe Place at 817-916-4323 for help with Domestic Violence
  • Call 530-225-5144 for the local Child Abuse Hotline.
  • Call the 24-hr hotline 530-225-5252 or 888-385-5201 for local Mental Health Resources
  • Call 530-225-5798 for the local Elder Abuse Hotline.
Click the links below to access:

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National Organizations Promoting Mental Health and
Wellness Initiatives for Students
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Contact us
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Whitney Lowry
Wellness Center
530-241-4161 x 15217